Saturday, October 14, 2017

Poll: Make ACA Work, Don't Sabotage It

As unstable sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump sabotages the Affordable Care Act out of spite solely because it's the signature domestic achievement of President Obama, polling finds that Rump's malicious moves are not supported by the American people. According to a poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation conducted October 5 - 10, 71% of the public wants the government to make the ACA work, not repeal it (click to enlarge):

Even a significant number of Republicans (48%) want to see the ACA fixed, not undermined. Polls consistently find that the ACA is increasingly viewed favorably as its benefits are felt.

Public opinion will likely have no impact on the vindictive Rump, who is determined to wreck his successful predecessor's achievements because his damaged and petty ego says he must.

BONUS:  We wonder how those who support Rump's sabotage would feel if they knew ending the cost- sharing reduction payments would cost the government $200 billion over the next decade? Maybe they think their Obama Derangement Syndrome is worth it.

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