Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rump's Tweet Twofer: Pardon Me & George Who?

The lying Kremlin puppet's little fingers were busy rage tweeting this morning:

In the first tweet, he's sending an obstructionist signal to hostile foreign agent Paul Manafort that if he stonewalls the investigation, a Presidential pardon is in the future. In the second tweet, he attempts to downplay George Papadopoulos's role in the campaign ("low level volunteer named George"), and deflect to bogus conspiracies involving the Dems. The line about him being "proven to be a liar" is too rich for words, considering the source. Rump is reported to be seething at yesterday's indictments. His mental stability will be tested in the coming days and weeks as never before, to our peril as a country.


  1. His mental stability will be tested in the coming days and weeks as never before, to our peril as a country.

    And perhaps to the peril of Korea, Japan, and a few other countries. That's still my biggest concern. We're a long way from impeachment and the Devil knows whether this guy is psycho enough to try starting a war as a distraction.

  2. Infidel -- In his mental state, he's fully capable of starting a war. And you're right, it's really a peril to the world community that he's in that position.
