Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Soulless Trump To Army Widow: "He Knew What He Signed Up For" (UPDATED)

As a sociopath and malignant narcissist, Donald "Rump" Trump doesn't relate to the suffering of others (one of the symptoms of his narcissistic personality disorder is the "inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others"). Unfortunately, this was on display once again yesterday when he (finally, under pressure) called the widow of Army Green Beret Sgt. La David T. Johnson, one of the four American soldiers killed in Niger two weeks ago. The privileged moron with 5 Vietnam deferments for "bone spurs" then did this:
Trump told his widow, who was in a car heading to the airport with her family and U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Miami Gardens, that “he knew what he signed up for … but when it happens it hurts anyway,” according to Wilson, who heard the call on speakerphone in the car. 
“I think it’s so insensitive. It’s crazy. Why do you need to say that?’’ Wilson asked. “You don’t say that to someone who lost family, the father, the breadwinner. You can say, ‘I’m so sorry for your loss. He’s a hero.’ (our emphasis)
Well, what else should we expect from this classless moron? He's a malignancy we hope to survive as a nation for however long it takes to excise him from the office he demeans every second he's there.

For those wishing to help Sgt. Johnson's family, there's this:

UPDATE: The mother of Sgt. Johnson was in the car listening to the call on speaker phone, and confirms Rep. Wilson's account.


  1. Brutal. Just brutal. Sociopathic motherfucker.

  2. Diva - Sorry to start your day again with this monster's latest outrage! Just keep thinking what a relief it will be when he's gone.

  3. Not sure where you're from, Hackie, but this is not the way we in New York speak about or to others. We are more respectful, decent and compassionate than this disgusting degenerate who sits in our White House. I hate to think how this fucking abomination represents us New Yorkers, just as how everyone hates how he represents our country to the rest of the world.
