Sunday, October 8, 2017

Trump Uncorks On Corker [UPDATED]

Tiny- fingered seething narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump was up this morning venting his spleen at Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker's decision not to seek re-election (and after Corker questioned Rump's fitness for office and said several of his cabinet members are the "people that help separate our country from chaos"). Grrr, Trump mad! Must lash out!

Is he presidential yet? No? How about now? No? How about...

UPDATE: Corker's not having Rump's douchery:


  1. I loved Corker's response. Good for him. Hopefully, these guys that are leaving their positions will start to lay into this asshole.

  2. Hopefully, they have the intestinal fortitude to speak out. So far, the departed weasels have been quiet (Priebus) or supportive (Spicy).
