Saturday, October 21, 2017

Trump's Ongoing Attempts To Derail Russiagate Investigation

With the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller getting closer and closer to Putin pawn and pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump each day, Rump has been busy trying to stall or undermine the Russiagate investigation. It was revealed last summer that Rump interviewed Jessie Liu for the key position of U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia before he nominated her. That's significant because if Federal charges are brought against Rump for offenses committed in office (e.g., obstruction of justice, etc.), the U.S. attorney for D.C. would have jurisdiction. Additionally, it's been reported that he's interviewed U.S. attorney candidates for the Southern New York and Eastern New York Districts, jurisdictions that would cover his New York City business dealings, banking and money laundering allegations, among others. While interviewing them is not strictly illegal, it couldn't be more indicative of his "consciousness of guilt." Rump wants to have his "people" in the U.S. Attorney positions in jurisdictions where charges would be brought against him. His fetish for the inappropriate "loyalty" of public servants, as though he were a monarch, came out prior to former FBI Director James Comey's firing, when he declined to give a pledge of "loyalty" to Rump and was subsequently fired.

Now, in another sign of his interference with the legal process, Rump is reported to be offering to pay some of the legal expenses of staff and associates caught in the Russiagate investigation. The report indicates that Rump has offered to pay $430,000 (the same amount the Rethuglican National Commitee has pledged) to defray legal costs, without indication of how the money would be disbursed. What better way to have those staffers stonewall investigators, if they know they can afford to pay legal expenses? What better way for Rump to signal that they "owe" him their "loyalty?" What's closer to witness tampering than this? The overt, corrupt intent of that unstable con man is breathtaking.

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