Thursday, November 16, 2017

Apparently This New Gilded Age Isn't Going Over Well

It's becoming harder, even for the casual observer, to avoid seeing what Republicans are up to with their agenda of "afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable." Visuals like this, with the Moochin' Mnuchins (foreclosure king/ multi- millionaire/ Trump Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his second wife Louise "Marie Antoinette" Linton) vogueing with a sheet of dollar bills with his signature, drive home the point:

Is that her "blue steel look"?  Nice touch with the opera gloves, lady.

Of course, Twitter had a lot reactions; Crooks and Liars has a number of them, including this:

You'll recognize "Millionaire Mitt" Romney from his Bain Capital days in that picture on the left.

Meanwhile, Republican efforts to take health care away from millions while raising taxes on low- and middle- class families and making corporate tax cuts permanent are about as popular as a pedophile running for the Senate (well, with the exception of some good "Christian" folks in Alabammmy that is):

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