Thursday, November 16, 2017

It's A Male Sickness

Sexual harassment, and sexual abuses cross party, occupation, age, demographic and other lines. However, it is first and foremost a male sickness. It's about domination, humiliation, and gender stereotypes as much as it is about actual sexual activity, disgusting and illegal as that is. We're now seeing the flood of women coming forward individually or as part of the #metoo movement to expose sexual abusers from all walks of life.

Given that, we were sad to see Sen. Al Franken has been accused of groping radio anchor Leeann Tweeden while they were on a USO tour in 2006 prior to becoming a Senator. Franken has issued a belated, almost offhand statement of apology to her (which he later revised).

How much better would it be if men like Franken stepped forward to own up to their behavior before being exposed? How much better if it had never crossed his mind to abuse her in the first place?

BONUS: Charlie Pierce says Franken's statement falls way short.


  1. I don't think men can remember all the harassment or abuses they've heaped on women.

    Men don't think of their actions as such and lots of them are honestly offended if you point out inappropriate behavior.

    It's maddening.

  2. Anonymous is absolutely correct. It's acceptable behavior, ingrained in men from childhood, i.e., I'll pull her pigtails because I like her.

    How about we bring up better boys?

  3. Anon. and Diva -- Bottom line, we need better men, respectful and supportive men, not harassing clowns. It begins with the fathers to teach them decency and hold them to it.
