Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Media Notes: A Boycott And A Buh-Bye

Now that CNN has announced it will boycott this year's White (Supremacist) House Christmas party for the media, we'll be looking at how many other news organizations follow suit. It's especially important that CNN not be the sole boycotter, given neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's relentless assault on the news media and freedom of the press. This is the moment that the White House Correspondents Association needs to stand with CNN (and others that may join them) in boycotting the party, and denouncing Rump's authoritarian moves to try to muzzle the media, whether through tweeted threats or through intervention in their business affairs.

Speaking of the news media, NBC News announced this morning that long time Today Show host Matt Lauer was terminated for "inappropriate sexual behavior" in the workplace. Lauer was reportedly behind the ouster of popular co-anchor Ann Curry from Today, and was roundly criticized for his harsh treatment of Hillary Clinton in a foreign policy interview, while he pitched Rump softball questions in a companion interview. Lauer follows CBS anchor Charlie Rose in being sacked as a result of sexual misconduct.

Bravo to the women that are courageously stepping up and holding powerful and smug men to account. Let's keep the pressure up on the monster in the Oval Office to answer to the women that have accused him of the same.

BONUS:  Digby has a fairly complete transcript of Lauer's hectoring interview of Hillary Clinton. Yes, he really was a dick.


  1. I'll never get over how Lauer treated Hillary during the debate. These shitbag "journalists" who vilified her yet downplayed Rump's atrocities. Fuck them all. And, don't the the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out.
