Thursday, November 9, 2017

Quote Of The Day - "We're With Trump"

We already made that choice. We’re with Trump. We already made that choice. That’s a choice we made at the beginning of the year. That’s a choice we made during the campaign, which is we merged our agendas. We ran on a joint agenda with Donald Trump. We got together with Donald Trump when he was President-elect Trump and walked through what is it we want to accomplish in the next two years. We all agreed on that agenda. We’re processing that agenda.” --  Speaker of the House Paul "Lyin'" Ryan when asked (following Tuesday's election results) if Republicans had to choose between Trump and the policies of George "Dumbya" Bush. (our emphasis)

As a reminder, this is the Democrat running against that Republican shitheel:

So there you have it: Trump is the Republican Party and the Republican Party is Trump (we know, it sounded better in the original German).

We've seen from the results on Tuesday that we have the energy, the policies, the people and the candidates to win elections.  We can send a big signal a year from now if we can retire as many Republicans as possible from Congress, starting with sending Ryan to the warmth of a corporate boardroom =cough= Koch Industries =cough=. To contribute to Randy Bryce's campaign, please go here, or volunteer if possible.  Thanks.

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