After Putin puppet and con man Donald "Rump" Trump took Russian dictator and former KGB official Vladimir Putin's word that Russia didn't interfere in the 2016 elections, Rump went on to call officials of our intelligence services "political hacks." He's making things so easy for the Kremlin, isn't he? His words are those of a guilty person.
POTUS embraces Putin yet again telling world he believes former KGB agent’s denial of attack on our election over our own Intel public servants, calling them “political hacks.” Disturbing and shamelessly unpatriotic, on Veterans Day no less.— Sally Yates (@SallyQYates) November 11, 2017
Let’s put a finer point on it. POTUS says his position is that of the President of Russia.— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 11, 2017
In my years of reporting on Russia, I too have found that if you ask a former KGB agent an accusatory question about his actions, he will generally be straight with you.— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) November 11, 2017
.@RealDonaldTrump, Maybe you should get your daily intelligence briefing from the Kremlin since you trust Putin more than American intelligence agencies.— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) November 11, 2017
Let's review what just happened. The president of the United States ordered his CIA director to meet with a conspiracy theorist, who then went on RT to talk about it. Then Trump said he took Putin's word over the "political hacks" in the I.C.— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) November 11, 2017
Trump certainly acts like a man scared to death that any moment Putin could release incriminating information about him— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) November 11, 2017
And for the record from the former Bush administration NSA Director and CIA Director:
CIA just told me: The Dir stands by and has always stood by the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment entitled: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections. The intelligence assessment with regard to Russian election meddling has not changed.— Gen Michael Hayden (@GenMhayden) November 11, 2017
Question...can the POTUS comit treason?
ReplyDeleteGerald -- Prohibitions against giving aid and comfort to the enemy, which is the essence of treason, apply to every citizen. There are no exceptions in the Constitution or law afforded to POTUS. For example, the fact that he shared classified information in the Oval Office with two Russian officials won't get him indicted, since he can declassify secrets, but it shows a habit of allegiance to Russia.