Saturday, November 25, 2017

Russians Mock U.S. "Weakness"

Here's a graphic from Russian State TV, bragging that Russia is ascendant over the U.S. in a recent broadcast touting their "win" in Syria. Observe the relative size of the fists (are you taking note, Donald Smallhands?).

When brutal Russian autocrat and land-grabber Vladimir Putin stated in 2005 that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century, he was signaling his intent to reconstitute its borders, as a kleptocratic oligarchy this time. With the cooperation of his hand-picked President here in the U.S., he may well achieve much of that goal. All the more reason that Special Counsel Mueller (and the Resistance) must get to the truth about what Putin has on his employee Donald "Rump" Trump.

(image: h/t Crooks and Liars)


  1. And now we see the dismantling of the State Department, which should have Putin snickering like the evil scumbag he is.

  2. Diva -- Trump's "America First" policy is working well for Putin. He wants nothing more than for the U.S. to withdraw from the international community.
