Thursday, November 9, 2017

Surprise! The Voter Suppression Commission Is Rigged

Narcissistic con man Donald "Rump" Trump knows he lost the popular vote in last year's election by 3 million, but his sick, damaged ego couldn't take that.  So, he spun the absurd lie that there were 3 million illegal voters (that all voted for Secretary Clinton) to justify creating a bogus voter fraud suppression commission, headed by Kansas's notorious wingnut vote suppressor Kris "KKK" Kobach, to reverse-engineer a popular vote "win" for him, more importantly while rigging the voting process across the nation to suppress votes in favor of Rethuglicans.

Sadly, some elected Democrats played along as members of the fraudulent commission by participating, but today one of them has had enough. Maine's Secretary of State Matt Dunlap sued the commission for violating the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) for not operating in a transparent manner and excluding him from reviewing documents and participating in discussions of the commission:
“Since the Sept. 12 meeting, I have received no correspondence from the commission other than to acknowledge receipt of my information request,” Dunlap said in a statement. “Clearly, there is information about this commission being created and discussed, but I have no access to that information and it has not been provided upon request.”
Earlier this year, numerous Secretaries of State, including Republicans, refused to provide copies of their voter rolls to the commission, fearing election tampering and potential retaliation against voters. Also, the data base that the commission was compiling was not being safeguarded against hacking or other manipulation. Shame on the four Democrats participating in this farce for lending a "bipartisan" veneer to it.

Perhaps the fraudulent commission will ultimately collapse under lawsuits and the weight of its own corrupt and sinister intent to deny legitimate voters their right to vote, but the only permanent solution is to vote these hacks out of office. The voters should be picking their office holders, not the other way around.

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