Sunday, November 5, 2017

Tweets Of The Day - More Thoughts And Prayers (UPDATED)

Another week, another mass murder in America -- this time as many as 27 killed in a church in Sutherland Springs, TX. Another week, another opportunity for Republicans to offer... their thoughts and prayers:

We believe this speaks for all of us:

UPDATE:  The killer has been identified as Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, a "firearms enthusiast." He's listed as one of the deceased.


  1. Yet ANOTHER act of domestic terrorism committed by a white male with a gun!
    Hummm NOW the time to talk about guns and common sense gun regulations?
    Oh ... TOO soon????

  2. Another day another mass murder in Merika.

  3. We'll never see ANY sort of regulations until we get rid of this Congress. Vote tomorrow and every Election Day until the scum is erased from the peoples' buildings.
