Just a friendly reminder to voters in New Jersey and Virginia that there are ELECTIONS TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 7 (just in case you've been ignoring the wall- to- wall advertising in the local media). This is not only for top- line offices like Governor and Lt. Governor, but also for state Senate and General Assembly (NJ)/ House of Delegates (VA), and some municipal offices. We need to get the Democratic vote out in all these elections in order to deliver a blow in favor of progressive governance and against the dystopian alternatives offered by the Trump/ Republican/ New Confederate/ Plutocrat Party.
The race in Virginia is especially critical and tight, although Democrat Ralph Northam has been polling slightly ahead of Republican "Enron Ed" Gillespie, who's run a particularly despicable, racist, Trump- inspired campaign. The Republican candidates for Lt. Governor and Attorney General are also hard- right reactionaries deserving of defeat.
In Virginia, polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For information, go to the Virginia Department of Elections website here.
In New Jersey, polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. For information, go to the New Jersey Department of State website here.
From now on, we need to show up at the polls for every election. Every election.
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