Sunday, December 3, 2017

Across The Universe, Cont. - The Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy

(click on image to enlarge)

From NASA/ ESA, November 27, 2014: This image (above) of the sky around the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy was created from images from the Digitized Sky Survey 2. The galaxy appears as a small faint cloud, close to the centre of the image. 

The Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy is one of the Milky Way’s neighbouring dwarf galaxies. Like all large galaxies, the Milky Way is thought to have formed from smaller galaxies in the early Universe. This image (below) is composed from data from the Digitized Sky Survey 2.

Credit: ESA/Hubble, Digitized Sky Survey 2


  1. Hellllllllloooooooooooo, world! It's a beautiful Monday morning. Refreshed and ready to resist, Hackie!!!!

  2. Got a double shot of Hubble this morning, Diva!
