Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sweet Home Run Alabama!

Well, that was quite a night:
In a stunning conclusion to a contest that received international attention, Democrat Doug Jones is the apparent winner over Republican Roy Moore in the Senate race in this deeply conservative state, according to an NBC News projection. 
It took an extraordinary alignment of events, including a sex scandal involving teenagers, for Alabamians to elect their first Democrat to the Senate in 25 years, but they triggered a political earthquake that will be felt far and wide. 
With 99 percent of the vote in, Jones was leading 50-48 percent, or 673,236 votes to 652,300 votes — a margin of more than 20,000(our emphasis)
#ThankYouAlabama !!

Although "No Moore" has so far refused to concede defeat, under Alabama law Jones' margin of victory would not qualify for one.

Tellingly, one of the big losers from last night was already doing his typical blame- avoidance shuffle after going all- in on "No Moore":

The Republican margin in the Senate, once Jones is sworn in, will be 51-49.  More later.

BONUS: "No Moore's" suffering horse "Sassy" has something to say, too:

BONUS II:  The African American turnout for Jones was the key to his victory, women in particular;  young voters and voters in normally Republican suburban counties also were factors.


  1. ROLL. FUCKING. TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Maybe now their health care numbers will pick up. The most recent study showed Alabama, among other southern states, to be in the lowest 5 states in health. Naturally, Massachusetts was on top of the healthiest 5! But seriously, folks, maybe now the "tide" will turn in the direction of doing something positive nationally that will be good for that state. P.E.C.
