Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Boob Tubing Boob

News Item: According to his staff, con artist and lying sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump watches at least 4 hours of television a day, and sometimes up to 8 hours a day. The toddler starts his lazy day with his Fux and Friends cultists, who feed him ideas and venom to get the day started. He then flips around to other channels that either enrage him with stories of his incompetence and mounting legal problems, or that flatter his fragile ego. In between, he tweets up a storm, so he's obviously lying when he's stated that he watches very little TV:
"...since he’s taken office, the president tweets frequently about the stories and escapades of various broadcast news corporations, often offering praise for Fox News or promoting its reports, while putting forth harsh criticism of liberal-leaning networks like CNN."
As Rump's mental condition deteriorates, perhaps the White (Supremacist) House should introduce more children's programming.

(photo: "Donald, finish your pudding.")

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