Sunday, December 17, 2017

Trove Of E-Mails Spell Trouble For Trump Team

The Associated Press is reporting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team is in possession of thousands of e-mails from the transition team of con artist and Putin loyalist Donald "Rump" Trump. The e-mails had not been obtained from Rump's transition organization, "Trump for Russia America," but were obtained from the General Services Administration, which was providing Federal IT services and other logistics for the transition group. The significance of this is that Rump transition officials were unaware of the e-mails' possession by Mueller and his FBI team, allowing the Special Counsel's team to question transition officials about situations and communications described in the e-mails without the Trumpers knowing that thousands of e-mail exchanges were already in the FBI's possession. It also suggests that the Special Counsel didn't trust the transition group to turn over all of their e-mails to the investigation.

Undoubtedly, the e-mails represent a trove of potentially incriminating evidence of conspiracy/collusion and potential attempts to obstruct or cover the trail of that collusion. Also, if Rump transition team officials -- potentially including Rump, Jr. and Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner -- lied about something that was in those e-mails, they would be subject to felony perjury. That would give the Mueller team leverage to get them to plea bargain in return for testimony against others higher up.

For the Trumpers now protesting the Special Counsel obtaining the e-mails from the GSA, there's this: the Rump transition team was told that, by using Federal computer resources, they should have no expectation of privacy regarding materials produced.

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