Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"Love" On The Rocks


Far be it for us to speculate about what's going on in anyone's relationship, but this is about the Very Stable Genius and his wife, so let's take a quick dive:

Stormy Weather

You know, the recent revelations that the Very Stable Genius started an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels when Melania had given birth only 4 months earlier, then paid Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about it in 2016.  After which,

Anniversaries Are For Losers

On the anniversary of the Very Stable Genius' inauguration, Melania tweeted out a picture of herself and a strapping Marine escorting her -- but no mention or picture of the Very Stable Genius.

The happy couple then spent their 13th wedding anniversary on January 22 apart. And,

Skipping Davos
First lady Melania Trump, in a change of plans, will not be joining President Donald Trump on his trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, later this week.
All of which leads us to counsel:  "Run, Melania, run as fast and far as you can!"

(Gif: "The Hand Swat")


  1. I'm sure Mel would split, if she could. I'm sure the Disgusting Creep in Chief made her sign a prenup, or Blackmail as it should be called, that would leave her with nothing & possibly make it so she'd never see Barron again. It's going to be hard on her to keep living like she is. I don't know if she has family or close friends, but, she does need them right now.

  2. FM -- I would hope, at the least, she would decamp to New York City if only to put 250 miles between her and the shithole!

  3. Sorry, not sorry, but I have no sympathy for her at all, W. She knew what she was getting into with this crude, slovenly excuse for a human being, and I'm sure the money that keeps her living in garish style helps. And never forget that she propped him up with that fucking birther outrage that kept them in the news as he gained supporters for his run for President.

    I'll save my sympathy for those parents who lost sleep night after night waiting to see if CHIP would be funded, or military who worried about getting paid while they did their duty in the worst of the world's shitholes, or the Dreamers who don't know where they'll soon be living, or Puerto Rico which no one ever talks about anymore.

    Phew! OK, I'm done now.

  4. Not a fan of Melania, and not really interested in her, but her role as First Lady is a poor fit for her. She clearly does not enjoy the role, nor does she seem to want to try to enjoy it. Compared to previous First Ladies, she falls well behind. First Ladies from both parties in the past have embraced causes and put forth real effort into bringing their causes to the forefront. Melania isn't a spokeswoman by any stretch, and she isn't even at the White House most of the time.

    She has made her uncomfortable bed and now she avoids it. I can't blame her for that, but she is no First Lady. She's just another sad chapter in the Trump biography.
