Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Republicans Ramp Up Mueller Investigation Obstruction With Insane Conspiracies (UPDATED)

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation gets closer to un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump, Republicans and their water- carriers in the right- wing media are getting ever more frantic to assist Rump in obstructing justice. This has taken the tack in recent months of more and more insane efforts to discredit Mueller, the FBI and the Justice Department.

You have the evil but incompetent Rep. Devin "Sherlock" Nunes (R-CA), whose staff wrote a laughable "memo" supposedly detailing improper conduct by the FBI (this is the #releasethememo nothingburger that is more valuable being hidden than being subjected to the light of day):
Republican members have trumpeted the secret document as full of shocking information about FBI misconduct. But Nunes seems to be in no hurry for the document to see the light of day. His failure to make it public—or even share his findings with the Justice Department or FBI for their feedback—evokes his effort last spring to divert focus from suspicious contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia by ginning up a counter-controversy over the “unmasking” of surveillance targets. He never provided any evidence to back up his allegations of wrongdoing, and after reviewing classified material that Nunes touted, both Democrats and Republicans said his claims did not hold water(our emphasis)
Again, not that holding water has much to do with the intended effect, which is to sow doubt and distrust. Nunes likely has some skin in the obstruction game, since he was part of Rump's transition team and, therefore, potentially aware of some of the collusion taking place with Russian agents. Moreover, Russian bots have been hyping the phony story via social media, making the dot connection rather easy.

Lately, you also have the related "FBI secret society" nuttery being flogged by -- wait for it -- Fox "News."  The contagion has already spread to one of our dumbest Senators, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin:
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said Tuesday that the missing text messages between two FBI officials is just further evidence of “corruption” within the FBI and claimed without evidence that top-level agency officials held “secret society” meetings off-site after the election. 
“What this is all about is further evidence of corruption,” he told Fox News Tuesday. 
“It’s more than bias, but corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and that secret society, we have an informant that is talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site. There is so much smoke here, there is so much suspicion.”  (our emphasis)
So much smoke, so much suspicion! -- all of which being generated by Nunes, Johnson, Fox "News" and their legions of fellow travelers. You can bet any "secret meetings off- site after the election" were to figure out how to deal with the fact that a Russian asset was just "elected" president.

Meanwhile, it's clear that the closer Mueller is getting to the Oval Office, the more these party- before- country Republicans will be baying their ever more mad scenarios to their fevered base. Sadly, our media will likely be "reporting the controversy" without making clear how this despicable behavior undermines our democratic institutions and the rule of law.

UPDATEThe "secret society" has now been revealed to be the joke it always was. Sad!


  1. So much smoke!

    More like flop sweat in their eyes. C'mon, Mueller. Nail these bozos!

  2. Diva & donnah - Yeah, they'd be more scary if they were at all competent. Still, they can do great damage to public trust in our legal institutions with their half- assed stunts, given their half- assed audience.

  3. Even if they believe the crap they're dumping, they still don't care about the repercussions. And they're used to throwing sh*t at the wall to see what sticks, so they have to be thinking that some of this will make a mess of the Mueller investigation. It sounds absurd to normal people, but the Trump Conspiracy Believers will take this to the end. And it's a colossal waste of time and taxpayer money to sift through all the crap.

    It's made worse by the inane posturing being done by Republicans as they breathlessly proclaim that the Dems are killing Democracy. Hoo boy, that's a load of projection right there!

  4. It all reeks of desperation, donnah. My concern is always that the media will treat this garbage as a "controversy" rather than as the transparent diversionary tactics that they are.
