Friday, January 26, 2018

Stormy's Back, And Kimmel's Got Her*

This should be fun, and a coup for Jimmy on sexual predator Donald "Rump" Trump's big night.  But the thought occurs, why were there no bold, creative/ puckish Dems (we know, an oxymoron) to invite her to the State of the Union itself, to sit in the balcony right in Rump's face with the cameras rolling? After all, one year the Rethugs gave President Obama the execrable, flag-waving ammosexual Ted "Shit His Pants" Nugent as a guest to his SOTU. Too late now.

Obligatory musical accompaniment to any Stormy Story.
*Apologies to classic film buffs.


  1. I would be willing to put my money where my mouth is & say, she's not going to be too forthcoming in answering ?'s. She'll smile,& say, "Jimmy, my attorney has advised me, blah, blah, blah......" However, A lot of people will be tuning in, I'm sure.
    I'll depend on the blogs to fill me in the next morning! HA!!
    As far as the SOTU speak. Should call it "State of Me" speech. It will, no doubt, be about Himself, HIS amazing accomplishments, and, HIS goals for HIS future. And,a jab at the Fake News Media. I WON'T be watching! I guarantee it!!!

  2. F.M. - As long as she can hang around and remind everyone of what a cheating, lowlife he is, that's good. If they can tie the hush money paid to her to campaign funds, that's better. As for the SOTU, it'll be vintage Rump. We're hearing that Dems will populate the gallery with Dreamers.
