Thursday, January 18, 2018

Trump & The Mating Habits Of Elderly Mammals

Last night, Stephen Colbert delivered a brilliant summary of the Stormy Daniels/Donald "Rump" Trump affair, which is detailed in the latest newsstand edition of InTouch magazine. He notes the disgusting comment made by Rump to Stormy, comparing the porn star to his lusted-after daughter Ivanka. He notes that Rump's eating in the bedroom in his sweatpants was Rump's way of preparing for the Presidency. Watch the whole hilarious takedown.

BONUS:  Here's today's New York Daily News cover  --


  1. Don't you just feel like vomiting every time a new story comes out? Goddamn, he just turns my stomach.

  2. Diva -- He provokes that response in many many millions.
