Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tweets Of The Day - The Unconscionable Sens. Grassley And Graham


  1. They never learn, even after Watergate. The cover-up always ends up being a bigger problem than the original crime. Or did they really think they could keep so much evidence hidden indefinitely?

    Kudos to Feinstein and the rest who keep on squeezing the pus out of this nasty abscess into the sunlight, until at last it will all be out and the body politic can begin to heal.

  2. Grassley and Graham guilty of corruption. Grassley has always been an asshole, but Graham tried to straddle both sides of the aisle. What turned him?

    Thank you, Sen Feinstein!!!!

  3. Two words: Corruption and Kompromat. And, yes, Feinstein came through.

  4. I meant obstruction, not corruption (though they're corrupt as fuck too!).
