Tuesday, February 6, 2018

53 Percent Think Trump Has Tried To Obstruct Or Derail Mueller Probe

A 53-41 percent majority of Americans have rightly seen un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump's blatant attempts to discredit, obstruct or derail the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller according to a recent Quinnipiac poll.  The fact that, while it's a majority opinion, the percentage seeing what's obvious isn't much higher can likely be seen as the result of the furious disinformation campaign being waged by Rump, his Congressional lickspittles, and the Fox "News" media. Those numbers basically represent the low information/ "tribal Republican" portion of the population that continues to give Rump good approval ratings.

But despite the disinformation campaign by the Trumpists, and the false equivalence he said/ she said reporting by many in the distrusted "mainstream media," some important numbers haven't changed in the past 12 months:
American voters approve 48 - 36 percent of the way the FBI is handling its job, compared to 46 - 38 percent in a January 13, 2017, Quinnipiac University Poll. 
The FBI is not biased against Trump, voters say 55 - 33 percent.  
"Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not out to get President Donald Trump, American voters say, but they do feel the president is out to get Mueller," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. "And almost half of voters think Republicans in Congress are trying to obstruct the Russian investigation.  
"Despite the beating they've taken from the White House, the judiciary and the intelligence communities are considered a lot more trustworthy than the Oval Office and the Fourth Estate."
 You can fool some of the people all of the time....

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