Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Co-Conspirator To Manage Trump's 2020 Campaign (UPDATED)

Even in the delusional, self-contained terrarium of Putin employee Donald "Rump" Trump, his choice to run his 2020 campaign (unless he's impeached and removed first) is jaw-dropping. It's the guy that directed his digital media in 2016: Brad Parscale.  Oh nyet he didn't!

If there's anyone on Rump's 2016 campaign staff that Special Counsel Mueller would like to grill (if he hasn't already), Parscale would probably be in Mueller's top 5. He's closely associated with Cambridge Analytica, a Robert and Rebecca Mercer-funded outfit whose job it is to undermine and generally ratf*ck Dems to the benefit of Mother Russia. He's also an authoritarian, alt-right nut. But Rump is OK with the link to the Russia information warfare scandal since it benefitted him, and that's what's most important.

Some are not sanguine about the choice or the possible outcome:

BONUS: The U.S. Cyber Command chief Admiral Mike Rogers told the Senate today that Rump hasn't ordered any countermeasures against another cyber attack by Moscow. Parscale's job just got easier.

UPDATE:  In addition to Rump, you can judge Parscale by other company he keeps--
The political strategist and online guru who was named President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Tuesday has a close financial relationship with a penny-stock firm with a questionable history that includes longstanding ties to a convicted fraudster, according to an Associated Press investigation.


  1. It leaves me speechless: Trump is already certain he will run again, and win.

    I want to erect a giant billboard outside the window of the Oval Offiice that says, “Trump, Everybody Hates You”...signed, the World.

  2. donnah - A sign that the Very Stable Genius is concerned he might get primaried and wants to forestall challenges? That would presume they could find someone in the Republican party with a spine. Hahano.
