Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Firehose Fatigue

We're experiencing a little firehose fatigue here, with the White (Supremacist) House banana Republican's plans for a military parade, the wife beater who just resigned his position at the same White (Supremacist) House against the wishes of Chief of Staff Adult Daycare John Kelly, the latest distraction dud that Fox "News" is hyping, the regime's continuing efforts to punch down at the least fortunate among us, the crackpot caucus in Congress and their determination to shutdown government without helping Dreamers, and on and on.

Back at it again tomorrow.  Refreshing... refreshing... refreshing...


  1. With just a spineless republican congress standing in his way, the petulant little slug occupying the White House will almost certainly get his banana republic style military parade. The next question, given his ego and expanding delusions of grandeur, what are the chances he decides to wear a military-style uniform like the tin pot dictator he so desires to become?

  2. BB - I wouldn't bet against it. He'll have to go to a tent maker to get the right size, though...

  3. I assume that we, the people, will soon need to take to riots in the streets to protest the madness. It's unrelenting! It's a disaster-a-day kind of schedule and it's killing us.

    i wish these imbeciles would be held accountable for this mess they made. November feels like a decade away.
