Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Message: I Hear You"

In a moment reminiscent of George H.W. Bush's "Message: I care" moment, rotted- out shell Donald "Rump" Trump apparently had to be reminded to act like he was listening sympathetically at his White (Supremacist) House "listening session" today with people impacted by gun violence at schools:

A few selected thoughts from the Twitterverse:


  1. The photo doesn't show the bottle of fake tears in his jacket pocket.

    FFS. He needed a written reminder to act like a human being.

  2. donnah - Rump checks off every one of the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, including "Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others." His is the first case of mental illness that should be addressed in the gun control or any other debate.

  3. It was heartbreaking to watch the poor, damaged survivors of this massacre begging Trump to fucking DO SOMETHING meaningful. I kept imagining Obama sitting in that chair, listening and giving thoughtful, heartfelt answers.

  4. Diva - what was on display most vividly yesterday was Rump's rotted out shell in contrast to intelligent people with normal human emotions. For anyone to think that soulless monster is serious about doing anything is to show a level of credulousness that is beyond imagination.
