Friday, February 23, 2018

NRA- Bought Sen. Marco Rubio Not Popular With This Crowd

Steven Colbert covers Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio's (R- NRA) appearance at a town hall event the other day (and also scorches some in the media giving him credit for "showing up").  Li'l Marco received $3.2 million from the National Rifle Rampage Association during his 2016 run for the Senate and has an "A+" rating from the rampagers.


  1. Rubio gets zero props for showing up at that event, since it's job to do so. Also, he deserves ridicule for his pathetic mush mouth non-answers and lack of commitment to making changes in gun legislation.

    I'm sick of these cowardly politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths and I'm glad to see the youth movement unafraid to call them out on it.

  2. The media has to be reminded who these people like Rubio are - flunkies for the NRA, not "brave" for showing up to face their constituents. They wouldn't need to be "brave" if they listened to and acted on what their constituents wanted!
