Thursday, February 15, 2018

Report: Florida Shooter Belonged To A White Supremacist Militia

The Anti-Defamation League has some background on the Florida school shooter.  Surprise, surprise:
A spokesperson for the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF) told the Anti-Defamation League on Thursday, February 15, that Nikolas Cruz, the man charged with the previous day’s deadly shooting spree at a Parkland, Florida, high school, was associated with his group. [snip]
If Cruz’s role is confirmed, the Parkland school shooting would be the second school shooting by a white supremacist in the past two months. In December 2017, another young white supremacist, William Atchison, engaged in a shooting spree at a high school in northwest New Mexico, killing two students before shooting himself. 
Charleston, Charlottesville... the ADL is noticing a pattern:
White supremacists and other far-right groups committed the majority of extremist-related murders in the United States last year, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League. 
White supremacists were "directly responsible" for 18 out of 34 U.S. extremist-related deaths in 2017, the ADL said. Islamic extremists, by comparison, were only responsible for nine deaths in America. 
The connection between the National Rifle Rampage Association and right- wing militias has long been evident.  So, to summarize, we're at the nexus of mental health issues, white supremacists and a high- octane money and influence machine determined to maintain easy access to killing machines at all costs.

BONUS: No More Mister Nice Blog has more.

(Image:  Photo from Nikolas Cruz' Instagram profile - via Wonkette)


  1. Trained by white supremacist to kill Americans!
    AND ...THIS is NOT a terrorist?
    Oh a wall?????????
    And ...there are good people on ...both sides?????
    Both sides????
    12 school shootings ...6 weeks into the new year!
    Brag about THAT POTUS*!

  2. Gerald - it's getting harder and harder to ignore the connections and the ongoing farce, isn't it?
