Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Sen. Duckworth Slams Cadet Bone Spurs (UPDATED)

Yesterday, when neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump spoke to a friendly audience at a Cincinnati manufacturing plant, he accused Dems of "treason" for not standing and applauding at the State of the Union address. Wounded Iraq War vet and pride of Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth was having none of the five deferment draft dodger's smear:

Whether you see Rump's reference to "treason" as a case of psychological projection or not, he's the last person -- save his greasy son Junior -- who should be throwing the word around.

UPDATE:  Republican consultant Rick Wilson says much the same --
 ... If you're looking for someone who is betraying this nation, look for a person who would deliberately and systematically wreck the institutions that guarantee the separation of powers and the accountability of the executive and legislative branches. Look for a person who would suborn the rule of law to protect himself, his family, and his cronies from justice. 
If you're looking for someone in the act of betraying the glorious vision of our Founders and our Constitution, look no further than the vulgar, prancing, reality-show clown who holds the Presidency. 
Look no further than the man who swore to uphold the Constitution and obey the laws of this land, yet ignores them, and attacks those who would carry them out. 
We have had presidents in living memory who failed, who strayed from the righteous path, who were venal or paranoid or who fell victim to their lusts and weaknesses. But none came so close to treason as this President. 
We can remember men of both parties who no one could even imagine betraying this nation to a hostile foreign power.  Not this man. We don't need to imagine it. We can see it.
UPDATE II:  Retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake says "treason is not a punchline."

Tick, tick, tick. 

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