Sunday, February 18, 2018

Trumpist Tax Giveaway A "Race To The Bottom"

International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde is warning that the Rethuglican / Trumpist tax boondoggle for corporations and wealthy Americans could not only stoke inflation, but could trigger a global "race to the bottom," as countries scramble to give multi-national corporations the sweetest tax deals possible at the expense of their workers rights and wages. That "race to the bottom" could deprive governments of tax revenue to support education, health and even military preparedness, according to Lagarde. It could also achieve the perverse effect of limiting innovation and workforce preparedness for coming decades.

Lagarde's warning comes on the heels of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's statement a few days ago that the Rethuglican / Trumpist tax boondoggle was like throwing "more lighter fluid on a fire that was already going." Blankfein's fellow greedheads will, of course, profit from any juiced-up market, and will take those profits in advance of any sell-off or crash. That's the way they roll. Even slickster investor and Trump "advisor" Carl Icahn worries that the greedhead predators on Wall Street are dangerously dabbling once again in highly questionable derivatives and other "exotic" leveraged products, something that brought the economy down in late 2008. Be assured that the Trumpists will do nothing to protect the consumers from this slow-moving trainwreck, and are actively dismantling the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was established in the aftermath of the 2008 financial debacle, and is the nemesis of Wall Street. Again, that's the way they roll....right over the American people.

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