Friday, February 23, 2018

Tweet, Twit, Thwap - The Kids Are Alright Edition

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School survivor's Tweet:

"Anne Coulter without the Adam's apple" Laura Ingraham's Twit:
And the coup de grace:


  1. The teenage army is on the march, and we must do all we can to support them and back them up. Rallies, tweets, townhalls, marches, fundraisers...we do whatever it takes to fund their passion because it's also our passion. Gun proliferation is done, and we need to stop being bullied and outspent by the NRA and their lobbies. They sell death, and we value life. Simple as that.

  2. Well said, donnah.

    March for Our Lives, March 24, all over the country with the main march in DC. Other locations so far: Los Angeles; Chicago; Miami; Las Vegas; Springfield, Missouri; San Francisco; Dallas; New York City; Birmingham, Alabama; West Palm Beach, Florida; Boise, Idaho; Liverpool, England.

  3. Change usually doesn't come in one fell swoop, so we're ready to chip away at the NRA, just as we did with the tobacco industry. In the meantime, keep raising hell, vote, march, whatever it takes. We're behind this army!

    P.S. The trolls will get eaten alive if they think they can beat these kids via social media.
