Saturday, February 17, 2018

Tweets Of The Day - Then And Now, Now And Then


Looking back on that now, with the facts in plain view:
Do you smell a rat with bone spurs, too?

Now and then, reacting to a senseless massacre:

Make that a sociopathic rat with bone spurs.


  1. Trump couldn't cry convincingly if you jammed an onion up his nose.

    He is a true sociopath, pretending to have emotions like a real human. Clearly, he fails at that, too.

  2. donnah - you only have to look at how he's treated his 3 wives and his young son Barron. I've never seen him exhibit any fatherly behavior toward him, just as he was an absent father for his other 4 children. He's a monster, plain and simple.

  3. Yes, watch the body language between Melania and Trump. She clearly can't stand to be near him.
