Thursday, February 8, 2018

Wisconsin's Cheesehead Senator Fails At Obstruction (Again)

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron "Small" Johnson has a well- deserved reputation as one of the least bright members of the Senate (and that's not a high bar). He has a long history of dirt dumb lies -- high on partisanship and low on IQ. It's to Wisconsin's everlasting shame that this lump has been elected to two terms (over the lamented Russ Feingold -- WTF?!).

Lately, Johnson has been doing his best Devin "Sherlock" Nunes impression as head of the Senate's Homeland Trump Security Committee. Back in January, he was trying to abet the Trump regime's efforts to undercut the FBI by claiming there was a "secret society" out to git Cadet Bone Spurs. That tinfoil hat fever dream -- based on a cherry- picked text of emails between two FBI agents engaged in an affair -- blew up in Johnson's face in less than 48 hours when the term was revealed to be a joke. One would think such an ignominious fail would chasten this numbnut (and one would be wrong):
Nevertheless, he persisted. And on Wednesday, Johnson published a 25-page report, analyzing the harrowing implications of a larger body of text messages between the aforementioned FBI employees — (now former) investigative agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page. [snip] 
One of the report’s biggest “bombshells” was an exchange in which Page and Strzok discussed talking points for then–FBI director James Comey to share with Barack Obama. “Potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Page wrote. 
Johnson concluded that this message raised troubling questions about “the type and extent of President Obama’s personal involvement” in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server...
It was left to that liberal bastion "The Wall Street Journal" (!) to blow that flim flam out of the water in less time than it takes to say, "Ron Johnson has the brains and ethics of a slab of Wisconsin cheese."
[A]ssociates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said that exchange referred to the president’s wanting information on Russia election meddling, which the FBI was heavily involved in over that period. That exchange occurred just days before Mr. Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China. Mr. Obama said in December 2016 that he had addressed the issue of tampering with the election process with Mr. Putin at that September meeting. 
In August and September 2016, the FBI was no longer actively investigating the Clinton matter, after Mr. Comey had said that July that he was recommending no criminal charges be filed.  (our emphasis)
So as we wait for the next effort from Johnson to undermine confidence in the FBI and Special Counsel Mueller's investigation in service to Cadet Bone Spurs, remember that Johnson and Nunes are just the front men for Republican rot.  Their many colleagues who willfully shield and enable their treasonous and morally bankrupt Leader rather than uphold their oaths to "support and defend the Constitution" are just as emblematic of a party that is only concerned with holding onto power and not with our country's values and democratic institutions.

BONUS:  Jeet Heer at The New Republic on the Republican rot.

(Photo: Nothing going on in there.)

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