Sunday, March 11, 2018

Affair and Unbalanced: Another Fux Scandal

Reflecting their right-wing misogynist values, Fux "News" journo-thug Jesse "Dirty" Watters is being divorced by his wife over an affair that Watters is currently having with one of his producers.  Noelle Watters filed for divorce last October, when her husband's affair with Emma DiGiovine was acknowledged, according to the New York Daily News. Some years ago, Watters made his detestable reputation as an ambush guy for Bill "O'Liely" O'Reilly, going so far in his stalking that cops were called in one instance. He currently co-hosts the right-wing poo-fling "The Five," apparently a number referring to their collective IQ.

The Wrap notes his history of despicable statements and actions, including a racist segment stereotyping Chinese Americans, and comments about "Beyonce voters," always delivered with his trademark smirk. This scandal won't make many waves for Dirty Watters: indeed, he was a guest of fellow misogynist and adulterer Donald "Rump" Trump for dinner at the White (Supremacist) House on March 5, along with Hungarian-born neo-Nazi Seb Gorka. Watters seek their own level, as the saying goes.

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