Monday, March 19, 2018

Cambridge Analytica's Web Of Bribes, Blackmail, Sex And Data Piracy

Cambridge Analytica, a ratfucking "strategic data" British firm funded by the ultra- right American Mercer family, has been deeply enmeshed in the Trump- Russia scandal.  It's finding itself up to its bollocks in even hotter water, as reported by Britain's Channel 4:
An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News reveals how Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across the world. Bosses were filmed talking about using bribes, ex-spies, fake IDs and sex workers. 
Senior executives at Cambridge Analytica – the data company that credits itself with Donald Trump’s presidential victory – have been secretly filmed saying they could entrap politicians in compromising situations with bribes and Ukrainian sex workers. 
In an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News, the company’s chief executive Alexander Nix said the British firm secretly campaigns in elections across the world. This includes operating through a web of shadowy front companies, or by using sub-contractors. 
In one exchange, when asked about digging up material on political opponents, Mr Nix said they could “send some girls around to the candidate’s house”, adding that Ukrainian girls “are very beautiful, I find that works very well”. 
In another he said: “We’ll offer a large amount of money to the candidate, to finance his campaign in exchange for land for instance, we’ll have the whole thing recorded, we’ll blank out the face of our guy and we post it on the Internet.”
You don't have to be conversant in British or American law to suspect that these right- wing douchebags (the company was the brainchild of, who else, über douchebag Steve Bannon) have broken several laws in the pursuit of power at all costs.

This, of course follows recent revelations about Cambridge Analytica's harvesting of more than 50 million Facebook profiles in order to better target those users in a massive disinformation campaign designed to help un- indicted co- conspirator Donald "Rump" Trump:
Facebook and the analytics company that worked with Donald Trump’s election team have come under mounting pressure, with calls for investigations and hearings to explain a vast data breach that affected tens of millions of people. 
In Britain, the head of the parliamentary committee investigating fake news accused Cambridge Analytica and Facebook of misleading MPs after revelations in the Observer that more than 50m Facebook profiles were harvested and used to build a system that may have influenced voters in the 2016 presidential campaign. [snip] 
“This raises serious questions about the level of detail that Cambridge Analytica knew about users, whether it acquired that information illegally and whether it sought to abuse that information in support of President Trump’s political campaign in the United States or Brexit in the United Kingdom,” he told the Guardian. 
“The company has repeatedly touted its ability to influence voters through ‘psychographic’ targeting and has claimed it was the fundamental reason that Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Indeed, it may be that through Cambridge Analytica, the Trump campaign made use of illegitimately acquired data on millions of Americans in order to help sway the election.” 
Trump’s campaign hired Cambridge Analytica in June 2016 and paid it more than $6.2m, according to Federal Election Commission records. It denies using any Facebook data in the campaign.
Between the British prosecutors and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, we eagerly anticipate further unraveling of the massive corruption and illegality that this Rump surrogate operation represents. Let the frog marching begin!

BONUSCharles Pierce sums it up --
There simply was nothing about the Trump campaign that wasn’t rotten at its core. The candidate himself and most of his advisers had a positive gift for finding the most rancid operatives available to do the most rancid kind of work. By the time the election rolled around, the whole Trump operation had rats in its brains and poisonous spiders in its blood. It produced not a presidency, but a wart-ridden golem of a presidency, wandering and staggering around the landscape with bits of its pestiferous flesh falling into the public prints every day. Good Christ, what has this country done?

BONUS II:  Here's the video exposé from Channel 4 with the Cambridge Analytica crime bosses talking about their methods--


  1. I am mentally exhausted. The constant flood of Trump and Republican garbage is overwhelming. And the outside forces that are being revealed, the Russian insidiousness, the brash infiltration of our country's social networks, the blatant exploitation of the media and the media's willingness to be exploited...where does it end? I am appalled that under every filthy layer we find even more filthy layers. It's a fucking bottomless pit.

  2. We completely empathize, donnah. The way we try to look at it is that it's all being exposed and, hopefully, uprooted. It's like cleaning the Augean stables, but when it's done it will be "cleaner" -- that's the hope we have to hang on to as we fight.

  3. I know, and I have hopes that part of the big sweep happens in November. But with more and more corruption being revealed, ie: this CA/Facebook crap, it feels like we aren't going to make it until November. It feels like Trump and his minions are going to blow up like a volcano and smother everything Mueller has found and burn him up in the process.

    Congress could construct and pass a law that would prevent Trump from firing Mueller, but they are sitting on their hands. This means that they are willing to throw away every last shred of integrity and honor they ever pretended to have. It means they are all in, that they will back a madman to protect their own interests, at the cost of a democracy. They will embrace treason, extortion, and all of the interference by foreign powers that undermine our country.

    The immensity overwhems me.
