Wisconsin Rethugs have been trying mightily in the past three months to rob some Wisconsinites of their right to representation by blocking special elections to fill two legislative vacancies, elections which are required under state law. They apparently feared Dem wins like those recently suffered nationwide. The matter was taken to trial court and then to appellate court, where Wisconsin Gov. and Koch Co. employee of the year Scott "Koch Head" Walker and his Rethug allies in the Wisconsin Senate flopped in both trials. When those un-American attempts failed, Walker and his fellow Rethugs were in the process of changing state elections law to deny those citizens the right to representation. But in a victory for Dems and democracy, they announced today that they would drop the obstruction and comply with the order of the courts. The retreat was due in part to both public outrage over the obstruction, and the appellate court's strongly worded rebuke of Walker by state appellate court Judge Paul Reilly:
"We know of no law that allows us to disregard the (statute). Representative government and the election of our representatives are never 'unnecessary,' never a 'waste of taxpayer resources,' and the calling of the special elections are, as the governor acknowledges, his 'obligation.'"Translation: "Do your damn job, Scottie." The primary elections for the two seats will occur in May, and the general elections will occur in June.
Watch Wisconsin in the 2018 mid-term elections. The state went narrowly for Rump, thanks to a number of delusional Jill Stein voters and thousands of Dem stay-at-homes; it's likely to regain its position as a blue state this time if Dems come out in droves and fight back.
(photo: He let his plutocrat bosses down; no bonus for you this year.)
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