Wednesday, March 21, 2018


There's this extra bit of information to add to what we know about Putin puppet Donald "Rump" Trump's congratulatory phone call to the home office yesterday:
The Washington Post is reporting that Trump was given key talking points for his call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday and that he disregarded just about all of them. He was not supposed to congratulate Putin on his allegedly unfair and undemocratic reelection win — his notes even had “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” in all caps — and yet he did. And he was supposed to condemn Russia’s alleged role in the nerve-agent attack on a former Russian spy in Britain, and yet he did not.
Let the memes begin! (h/t HuffPo)

We have a bold suggestion.  Someone sneak this into Rump's next intel briefing: DO NOT RESIGN!


  1. Bwa ha ha! I love the response to this! And I'm glad there are a lot of people who are sane enough to mock this joke of a president we have.

    Also, this news item about the note telling Trump not to congratulate Putin is a big leak from the inside. He may be kicking key people off the ship, but there is still someone very close who is letting gems of information out. And that's a good thing.

  2. donnah - Someone is rightfully appalled and, yes, it's good they're letting the world know what's happening behind the scenes.

  3. Guys, I love your last sentence. Excellent. Maybe his people should try that reverse psychology approach. Bu,t he is an enigma so it could backfire!

  4. FM - it's always worth a try! We only have a shitgibbon to lose!
