Friday, March 9, 2018

Kim And Dim To Meet

The announcement late yesterday that boy-dictator Kim Jong-Un had invited unstable con man Donald "Rump" Trump to talks left us with a vague sense of unease, despite the excited chatter by talking heads on cable. Other observers are urging a lowering of expectations, too. The state of play is that, after a very successful PR effort at the Pyeongchang Olympics, North Korea sensed an opening to a relationship with South Korea. Kim's sister  Kim Yo-jong won the propaganda campaign over a stolid and stupefied VP Mike "Dense" Pence and Rump's corrupt, flashy daughter Ivanka. South Korea's President Moon Jae-In was elected on a platform of engagement with the North, and he jumped at the chance to continue the Olympic momentum with the North.

The North is under strong sanctions, and would clearly like some if not all of them lifted. Interdictions of smuggled supplies have increased, and China seems to have cooperated more than before in enforcing the sanctions. It's likely that Kim is playing for time in order to get sanctions relief during a "peace offensive;" he's used his development of nuclear weapons as a focus of national pride and patriotism as well as a bargaining chip.

Kim undoubtedly has sized up narcissistic Rump, and calculated that he's at a weak point with multiple scandals, Robert Mueller's investigation, departures of key officials, and his approval numbers dropping. He knows Rump isn't wedded to any position for long (e.g. gun control, DACA, etc.) and can be played like a fiddle with flattery and a big parade. He's probably heard from China's President Xi, who despite being the major trade offender, managed to get praise from Rump after Xi's lavish welcome for him. Kim's letter inviting Rump to a meeting no doubt had many flattering words in it, given Rump's immediate acceptance. We're certain that Rump's advisors -- such as they are -- will try mightily to keep him out of one-on-one meetings with Kim with only a translator and recording device present. Rump's ignorance, recklessness and eagerness for personal glory would easily be exploited by North Korea. Like the majority of Americans, Kim sees Rump's blatant weaknesses, even if Rump doesn't, and that should make everyone uneasy.



  1. If it happens it will be a total monkey fuck!

  2. One Fly -- As I heard someone say, Trump can't even negotiate with a porn star. Most are saying Kim wins because it elevates his status on the world stage, while not "denuclearizing" his country.

  3. Kim will dangle something shiny and "Away we go".

  4. I was watching a tv show on FOX last night and they actually broke in with the news of the NK meeting. No other major networks did that, but FOX announcers breathlessly shared Trump's victory and cited his negotiating skills and ability to deliver a strong message that the US will win over NK in the end. Of course, they mentioned that Obama had failed to negotiate anything with them.

    Trump's narcissism and craving for the spotlight will tarnish any possible gains made.

  5. I've seen a convincing explanation for why the Kim regime has suddenly become so eager to talk, and it's nothing to do with Trump -- of course he'll still claim credit.

    There is an upside to the planned meeting. Between now and May, it's very unlikely that Trump will start a new war in Korea, since he's anticipating a possible triumph there (or the illusion of one). So that's two fewer months, out of however much time Mueller leaves him in office, for a disaster to happen.

  6. Kim has already won and elevated his status, Hackie, by sounding like he wants peace.

    Even if they do meet, we absolutely know that Rump will say or do something on the world stage that embarrasses us while the whole world watches. He has absolutely no grace or honor.
