Thursday, March 22, 2018

Obamas To Parkland Students: "You've Helped Awaken The Conscience Of The Nation"

On March 10, Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama (how bittersweet that sounds every time we hear it!) wrote a letter to the students of Parkland, Florida, where the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre took place on February 14.  Here's a copy of the letter, via Mic:

The text of the letter reads:  
10 March 2018 
To the students of Parkland — 
We wanted to let you know how inspired we have been by the resilience, resolve and solidarity that you have all shown in the wake of unspeakable tragedy. 
Not only have you supported and comforted each other, but you’ve helped awaken the conscience of the nation, and challenged decision-makers to make the safety of our children the country’s top priority. 
Throughout our history, young people like you have led the way in making America better. There may be setbacks; you may sometimes feel like progress is too slow in coming. But we have no doubt you are going to make an enormous difference in the days and years to come, and we will be there for you. 
Barack Obama Michelle Obama
Another reminder of the humane, hopeful leadership our country is now missing.

The March For Our Lives is this Saturday in Washington, DC, and in cities around the nation.

BONUSBalloon Juice has links to poster suggestions for the marches.


  1. Thanks for this, Hackie. Breaks my heart. We didn't deserve him.

  2. Bless the Obamas, now and always. I miss their presence every day.

  3. What a difference from what the Toddler in Chief says/twits (& he has to have his "thoughts" written down for him) & a warm,humane,caring adult. I miss the Obamas as much as I LOATHE the Thing that's illegitimately occupying the WH!!!
