Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Pics Of The Day: The Colors Of Holi

We can get wrapped up in crises here at home, so occasionally it's worth remembering that beyond our shores, life goes on and is celebrated. The Hindu "festival of colors" or Holi is celebrated with the arrival of spring throughout the Indian subcontinent, and among the worldwide Hindu diaspora. Celebrants  apply and throw colored powders (abir) on one another while dancing and celebrating. Last week, during the two-day festival, photographers caught its colors and joy.

(click on images to enlarge)

A.J. Verma/Reuters

Francis Mascarenhas/Reuters

AFP/Getty Images


  1. That was COOL!! Thank you, guys!!

  2. It's great that there are those of us who still celebrate all colors!

  3. F.M. and donnah -- You're welcome! Color is the spice of life!
