Monday, March 26, 2018

Stormy's Big Night

To recap the 60 Minutes dark and Stormy night interview, the main new revelations involved the threats and bullying applied to Stormy Daniels by Michael "Roy Cohn" Cohen, sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's thuggish longtime lawyer and fixer, and a so far unknown tough from Trumpworld. In one chilling story, Daniels told of an unknown man approaching her in the parking lot of a fitness club in Las Vegas while she was getting her infant daughter out of the car. According to Daniels, the man said:
"Leave Trump alone. Forget the story....That's a beautiful little girl. It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom."
Very organized crime, no? There was also the additional intimidation by Cohen and hints that if she didn't sign the non-disclosure agreement and subsequent statements that she didn't have sex with Rump that something bad would happen to her.

This is all further fuel for the unfolding Stormy Saga, with fixer Cohen's payment of $130,000 to Daniels days before the election being seen increasingly as an illegal in-kind campaign contribution.
Also, despite Cohen's denial that Rump was out of the loop on the hush agreement money, Daniels' lawyer produced evidence that e-mails and a FedEx package containing the hush agreement itself were sent to Cohen at Trump Towers in his official capacity.

No tapes, pics, texts, etc. this time. There were the expected tidbits about their sexual encounter, most if not all of which have been previously reported. In a particularly gagging moment (and there were several), Daniels again described the evening in 2006 that she had sex with the degenerate Rump, and of course, his lusted-after daughter Ivanka came up:
Stormy Daniels: He quit talking about himself and he asked me things and I asked him things and it just became like more appropriate.

Anderson Cooper: It became more comfortable.

Stormy Daniels: Yeah. He was like, 'Wow, you-- you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know-- he was like, "You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you." (emphasis added)
Playboy model and another of Rump's partners, Karen McDougal, also said that Rump likened her to his daughter during their 10-month long affair in 2006-2007. What kind of pathetic, sick POS links his daughter to the woman he's about to have sex with? The pathetic, sick POS in the White (Supremacist) House, that's who.


  1. It just keeps proving that he doesn't just love his daughter, hes IN LOVE with her. It's craven, reprehensible and just so fucking sick.

  2. Diva -- And it's all there in plain sight for everyone to see.

  3. We already know Trump's a disgusting pig, and his past behaviors serve to remind us that that's who he is, how he thinks, and that's how he will continue to behave. I found myself believing Stormy's story and I hope she can be safe and move forward in her life to put this behind her.

    I think everyone focused on the sex aspect is missing the point. What we need to pay attention to the illegal money transactions by Cohen and his desperate attempt to hide Stormy's existance. Campaign money used to pay her off? Cohen's payment not repaid by Trump or by Trump's campaign fund? That's where Mueller can come in and use the information in building a case.

  4. donnah -- You're right. The next stages of the legal fight will have to do with the payment, coercion and threats, and violations of law. It's less scintillating than the affair, but poses the most legal peril for Trump & Co. Mueller's already looking at Cohen's sketchy dealings with Russian operatives, and this development may bear additional fruit.

  5. the words just aren't there for the likes of this prick

    and republicans could give a shit

    we are truly screwed

  6. One Fly -- Let's work to turn the tide in November 2018 (and November 2020 if necessary).
