Friday, March 9, 2018

The Battle For PA-18

Rick Saccone

When Rethuglican "pro-life" hypocrite Rep. Tim Murphy stepped down in disgrace after his mistress came forward to announce that he'd asked her to get an abortion, the Dems saw a long-shot opportunity to turn Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District blue with their candidate, former prosecutor and Marine Corps officer Conor Lamb. While the 18th voted for con man and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump by a 20 point margin, Lamb has pulled into a statistical tie with his Rethuglican opponent, mustachioed State Rep. and theocrat white supremacist Rick Saccone. Sadly for Saccone, who has received support from Rump, he's running behind in fundraising and has mounted a lackluster campaign, one that has alarmed Rethuglicans responsible for getting their like elected in November. The Rethugs have brought in VP and Stepford husband Mike "Dense" Pence to stump for Saccone, while former VP Joe Biden has appeared in support of Lamb.

The election to fill Murphy's vacant seat is next Tuesday. Let's help Conor Lamb turn this district around.

(photo: "Sir, the auditions for the 'lonely senior male with a dark past' role are down the hall.")

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