Friday, March 2, 2018

Hope Hicks and The Unraveling

We've been struck by the descriptions of outgoing White (Supremacist) House Communications Director and little white liar Hope "No Hope" Hicks as someone who provided "emotional support" as Cadet Bone Spurs' "real daughter," who was regarded as a "Trump whisperer" able to read his volatile personality. This, for someone who's only 29; demagogic sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump will be 72 in June. What kind of psychologically stunted creep would need the "emotional support" of someone more than 40 years younger who has no experience in governing? Perhaps someone who's unraveling before our eyes.

Unless checked and checked soon, that unraveling will have dire consequences for us and the world at large.


  1. What kind of psychologically stunted creep would need the "emotional support" of someone more than 40 years younger who has no experience in governing?

    Some people have emotional-support dogs. Trump had an emotional-support human, apparently.

    And if Trump starts a nuclear war as a "distraction" and murders millions of people in Korea or Iran, that act will define the United States for generations to come, as the Holocaust defined Germany. No American will be able to show his face overseas without constantly being angrily called to account for it, not through your great-grandchildrens' lifetimes. Whoever in the White House is able to rein him in needs to get moving.

  2. Infidel -- We have an unstable, psychologically damaged person in the Oval Office who sees everything -- EVERYTHING -- in terms of how it affects him personally. To him, nuclear weapons are an abstraction; he once wondered in an interview why we don't use them as long as we have them. The "deterrent" aspect was lost on him. We're in a true danger zone, now that Mueller is approaching.
