Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Trump - Russia Memorandum of Understanding?

Last night on Lawrence O'Donnell's MSNBC program, Rethuglican consultant Mike Murphy dropped a little bomblet regarding the Russia investigation:
“I was walking around [Beverly Hills] and an international businessman I know pretty well, swore me to secrecy said ‘You can say this on TV. A friend of mine got pulled in by Mueller asking about a MOU, a memorandum of understanding, that Trump had with Russian interests during the 2016 campaign and Mueller has the documents.’” (emphasis added)
As we've learned over the past many months, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team are way ahead of the weasels he's investigating, and you better believe he has "the documents" in hand.


  1. He's got the docs and he's got the answers before the questions are asked. Meuller knows he needs a rock-solid case against these shitbags.

  2. Diva -- Mueller assembled a "dream team" of prosecutors and investigators knowing that he'd be up against a Rethuglican noise machine intent on distraction and smoke-blowing. He's way ahead of them, thank goodness.

  3. Please proceed, Mr Mueller! May it all bear fruit!

  4. donnah -- The Trumpists feel the ice cracking under their feet. Love it!
