Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tweets Of The Day -- Brown Nosing The Boss

Last Saturday:


"We will probably get together soon" -- when Rump gets political asylum in Russia?

“An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections." 
We would quibble with the idea that Rump is "an American president," though. More like "a wholly owned subsidiary of Russia."


  1. Yeah, sorry for your medical condition, John McCain. You had many opportunities last year to step up on multiple issues and instead chose to side with Trump. Your legacy will now be one not of a rebel, but a follower. And your criticisms now ring hollow as you try to distance yourself from the party of hate.

    All the cowards like McCain who are retiring should not be lauded for speaking out now. It's too late, Jeff Flake. You goose-stepped all along until you saw the handwriting on the wall, where your chances of re-election looked shaky. You are as flawed and rotten as those you try to run from now. Time to face the music.
