Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"Evil Forrest Gump" QOTD

“It’s like Forrest Gump won the presidency, but an evil, really f*cking stupid Forrest Gump. He can’t help himself. He’s just a f**king idiot who thinks he’s winning when people are b*tching about him. He really does see the world as ratings and attention. I hate Forrest Gump...If we’re going to lose because of him, we might as well impeach the motherf**ker,” --  An anonymous Rethuglican Congressman expressing his inner thoughts to pompous far right-wing poo-flinger Erik "Erik Etc." Erikson on a day when Squeaker of the House Paul "Lyin'" Ryan declines to run for reelection and Rethugs are heading for the hills, or K Street.


  1. Let this be the first of many dissenting voices on the Right. The damage has been done with the tax cuts and attacks on the health care, so now the Republicans can relax and reassume their human forms. Bob Corker is already pretending to be shocked and unhappy about the trillion+ budget he helped sign. Too little, too late.

    Lets see who decides to really speak out against Trump without anonymity. The gutless wonders in the House and Senate are realizing what crap they've wrought and while some will retire and some will never acknowlege regret, some might feel the sting in November. Lets hope so.

  2. donnah -- A small trickle of public Rethuglican dissenters may start, but the cynic in us thinks most will grumble behind the scenes and stick with Trump for the most part. The complicit Rethug establishment knows it's Trump's party now.

  3. This must be typical of most Republicans in Congress. It would be astonishing if things were otherwise. Trump is obviously blatantly incompetent, and he's insulted many of them. And they know he's turning the majority of the country against them.

    They don't express their hostility in public because they're frightened of his supporters. Trumpanzees tend to be angry, stupid, and heavily armed, and definitely will not be inclined to vote for Republicans who are openly disloyal to Trump. And most Republicans in Congress are abject cowards. They won't turn against Trump until more rank-and-file Trumpanzees do (and they do show signs of doing that, in cases where Trump "betrays" his agenda by, for example, being open to DACA).

    Those Republicans in Congress must also be rather pitiful personalities if they believe holding on to office is worth it even under these humiliating circumstances. Some, of course, don't -- hence the wave of retirements.
