Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Friends And Enemies

In the past few days, we've seen unhinged sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump act out his inner fears and demons without the input of staff to influence his behavior. We've sorted his recent "unshackled" actions according to "friends" and "enemies."

First, friends. His obvious and fearful subservience to Russian thug and assassin Vladimir Putin was borne out in his stealthy invitation for Putin to visit the White (Supremacist) House (interestingly as first reported by Russian media). This, in the wake of the attempted assassination of a former Russian agent in England , Russia's continued participation in genocide with Assad's regime in Syria, and expulsions of Russian intelligence agents from the U.S. The signal Rump's sending to Putin is that there's no amount of calumny on the part of the Kremlin that will cause their Oval Office asset to break with them. The "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" imbroglio was typical of Rump's obstinate  loyalty to Putin and his circle of wealthy oligarchs / banks who have kept Rump's business afloat when others abandoned him. (You can almost hear him pleading with Putin, "please don't cancel your loans and line of credit to me...please!!).

Second, enemies. In addition to Rump's usual punching bags like immigrants and the media, Rump has been singling out Amazon of late for his Twitter tantrums. He would like us to believe that it's all about Amazon having an unfair advantage over Main Street businesses (a choice by consumers) and cheating the USPS, a false charge since the USPS profits from Amazon's package business (it's first class mail that's experiencing decline). As with many things Rump, Amazon is the placeholder for who he's really going after: founder and mega billionaire Jeff Bezos, who also owns Rump's nemesis the Washington Post, and whose much greater wealth Rump is envious of. Amazon's stock fell yesterday after Rump's tweeted threats, a sinister and obvious abuse of power that we hope is met by a legal rebuff by Amazon, joined by others. Or Bezos could follow former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's suggestion:


  1. Bezos didn't get to where he is by being stupid. The Amazon magnate is a thorn in Trump's side because he's rich and he owns the newspaper that Trump hates. Bezos can sit tight and let the Donald run around barking his fool head off, but if necessary, Bezos will yank the chain and Trump will have to make a move or stfu.

    Trump never learns.

  2. donnah -- The idiocy of venting at a business and newspaper when there are so many more important things once again shows his mental instability and unfitness for office. Everything is personal to him, the quintessential narcissist.
