Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mitch McConnell Continues To Protect Putin Pal Trump

When the history of this era is written, there will be few public figures who will emerge with a more sinister aura than Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch "Missy" McConnell (R - Testudo). It was appalling enough that Missy determined that he would be a die- hard obstructionist in order to make President Obama a one- term President; that he led the efforts, once Obamacare was passed, to repeal or sabotage health care for millions; or that he stonewalled Obama's choice for a Supreme Court vacancy. In short, he's established his credentials as a party- before- country villain, who's always eager to put aside the general welfare for the gain of the privileged, the wealthy and the powerful. That his wife also serves as Transportation Secretary completes the self- dealing circle of influence with this rotted- out Republican party.

But, with all that, it could be his role in protecting un- indicted co- conspirator and Putin pawn Donald "Rump" Trump in the Russia scandal that most marks him as an un- American villain.  Briefly, here's how he's done that (our emphasis):

He warned the Obama Administration not to publicly challenge Russian meddling toward the end of the election (September 2016)
In a secure room in the Capitol used for briefings involving classified information, administration officials broadly laid out the evidence U.S. spy agencies had collected, showing Russia’s role in cyber-intrusions in at least two states and in hacking the emails of the Democratic organizations and individuals. 
And they made a case for a united, bipartisan front in response to what one official described as “the threat posed by unprecedented meddling by a foreign power in our election process.”
The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests. 
According to several officials, McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.
He scuttled a bi- partisan independent commission to investigate Russian meddling (May 9, 2017)
On Wednesday, one of the most powerful lawmakers in Washington, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), basically flat-out said he wouldn't support a special investigation. The various committees in Congress already looking into Russian meddling will suffice, he said: “Today we'll no doubt hear calls for a new investigation, which could only serve to impede the current work being done.”
He said he wouldn't allow any legislation protecting Special Counsel Robert Mueller to get a vote in the Senate (April 17, 2018)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told Fox News on Tuesday he doesn't believe President Donald Trump will fire Robert Mueller, adding he doesn't want legislation on the issue. [snip] 
McConnell said he won't bring the legislation to the Senate floor. 
"I'm the one who decides what we take to the floor, that's my responsibility as the majority leader, we will not be having this on the floor of the Senate," he said.
It's hard to imagine someone acting more consistently against the interests of America and Americans than Missy McConnell. He won't be up for re- election (if he runs) until 2020, and while enough benighted voters in Kentucky might send him back to the Senate, history won't be nearly so kind to him.

(Photo: Now that's a punchable face.)


  1. Yes, the fish rots from the head (Trump) but it is rotten all the way down the whole damned body when it comes to Republicans. And Mitch is a big part of that rot.

  2. I'll never forgive this slime-bucket for blocking the vote on Merrick Garland. The rest of the examples you've assembled here show he's a full-blown collaborator with Putin. Reagan would be disgusted.

  3. Infidel - Yes. The Garland block goes down in my book as McConnell as his most reprehensible act in a long career of reprehensible acts!

  4. The audacity of the Garland move was unprecedented in our nation's history, the timing of the move, when viewed in conjunction with what is known about tRUmp campaign staff meetings/communication with russians in early 2016, where Papadopoulis, Sessions, Page, and even tRUmp himself are KNOWN to have met/conferred with russians all the way up to Kislyak, makes me very curious as to what comrade mcconnell knew and when.

  5. There should have been someway that President Obama could have sued The Senate or McConnell for the obstruction that he provided in blocking the Garland nomination to the Supreme Court.

  6. CD -- we're curious, too, and we fervently hope he's on tape or video in Mueller's possession. We should be so lucky, right?

    Jerry - he should have made them pay a price for sure. This must be a lesson for Dems going forward that the Repubs threw away the rule book and deserve to be treated in a similar manner when they're in the minority.
