Saturday, April 7, 2018

Scott Pruitt "The Kato Kaelin Of Capitol Hill"

Cheap, lying, corrupt, paranoid, self- aggrandizing, right- wing ideologue -- and a deadbeat to boot:
Prior to [EPA Administrator Scott] Pruitt’s arrival in Washington, Steve Hart — an energy lobbyist who, like Pruitt, is a native Oklahoman — had been a friend and supporter of the EPA administrator. He and his wife, a health care lobbyist, viewed the six-week living arrangement as a favor for a friend. 
They drew up a lease running from February through April 1, 2017, said the people familiar with it, in order to make sure neither they nor Pruitt ran afoul of ethics rules, which prohibit political appointees from accepting gifts from lobbyists. Under the terms of that lease, Pruitt paid a cut rate of $50 per night to stay in the condominium. 
That favor turned into a headache for the couple when Pruitt repeatedly asked to extend his lease. “There were gentle questions regarding, OK, when are you going to leave and what have you ... and they even started sending him ads of places close by that he could rent,” said the first person. 
“Scott Pruitt is the Kato Kaelin* of Capitol Hill. He is the long-term house guest who takes advantage of his hosts and refuses to take a hint about when it’s time to leave,” the second person said. 
A spokesman for Pruitt did not immediately reply to a request for comment. 
The Harts eventually told Pruitt, who had to be reminded repeatedly to pay his rent, that they had plans to rent the room to somebody else — and that he needed to find another place to live, according to the people familiar with events. They also informed him in early August that they were changing the locks on their door. (our emphasis)
Here's a thought:  perhaps someone who reportedly wants Pruitt out =cough= John Kelly =cough= should follow suit and send him help wanted ads, and if that fails, have the locks changed on Pruitt's EPA suite.

(*Link for anyone not familiar with the name Kato Kaelin, the eternal houseguest.)

(h/t Mock Paper Scissors)

(Photo: The fingers are all pointing to you, Kato, er, Scott.)

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